Updates to this dashboard are currently paused due to data disclosure limitations. BTS is working to introduce the program to new participants to reduce the likelihood of reidentification of data providers.
(Last updated: 04/06/2023)

  • The charts with the light blue background (Event Type, Focus Area, and Quarters) allow you to further filter data. To filter, click on a bar or bars. To select multiple filters, hold the [Ctrl] key. To clear filters, press [Esc].
  • Scope of data shown includes events submitted by companies participating in the SafeOCS Industry Safety Data program. This dataset does not include every offshore oil and gas safety-related event that occurred during the period shown, as not all companies are participants and data is still being collected. As additional data is received, this dashboard will be updated.
  • An asterisk (*) is shown if fewer than 5 events.