SPPE - Safety and Pollution Prevention Equipment

(Publication Date: )
SPPE Notifications Submitted by Month
  • Date refers to submission date.
Summary Statistics of Reported Events

  • Date refers to event date.
  • On-time reporting is the percentage of reports received within 30 days of the event date.
Reported SPPE Events by Valve Type
Type of Reported Failure Events (sorted by frequency)
  • Date refers to event date.
  • More than one type of reported event can occur within a single reported failure.
  • Order of significance (higher significance at top) is based on the extent of degradation of installed well safety systems and potential consequence to personnel and the environment.
  • Failed to open is typically an operational failure as opposed to a safety risk; in these cases, the valve is still capable of performing its safety function of containing the well pressure in a shut-in state.
  • See section titled "Failures and Potential Consequences" in Oil and Gas Production Safety System Events – 2020 Annual Report.
Contributing Factors to Equipment Events
Reported Corrective Actions
How Failures Were Detected
Root Causes of Reported Failure Events